

你可能是第一个注意到有问题或学生很苦恼的人.  虽然可能会有情绪上的困扰, 尤其是在压力很大的时候, 你可能会注意到你的孩子的行为不符合他们的性格,或者与他们以前的行为不一致.  

在困难的时候,你可能是一个资源, 你表达的兴趣和关心可能对帮助你的孩子恢复情绪稳定至关重要. 你也可能处于一个很好的位置,帮助学生访问校园和社区资源,以便进行适当的干预. 家长应该知道,住在校园里的学生可能会向住在这些宿舍的住宿服务人员寻求支持.


Sometimes a friend will be going through a tough time, and you may want to help. It is generally helpful to approach this student in a concerned, caring, and non-judgmental way. 具体告诉对方你担心的原因.g., “我很担心你,因为你这么担心,已经三天没睡了。”). 你可以建议这个人预约与咨询中心的咨询师交谈.

Frequently, this person will be relieved that someone has noticed their distress. 如果这个人愿意的话, 你可以帮他们打电话给咨询中心, and even accompany them to the first appointment if they want you to be there.


学生还可以获得免费的, 保密的初始评估和/或咨询服务中心,以确定他们对心理健康治疗的需求和最适合他们的治疗类型. Students can book this appointment online from our landing page. You can also find out more detailed information about the specific services we offer at the 咨询服务中心.

If you have any questions or feel you would like to personally speak to one of our counselors, 请通过电子邮件与我们联系 counselingcenter@3600151.com 或者通过呼叫 267-341-3222. Do not leave detailed personal information via email or voicemail for confidentiality purposes. Leave your and the student’s name and contact information to call you back. 


来到咨询中心的学生将与一位咨询师会面,进行初步的入学评估,咨询师和学生将开始确定需要什么帮助以及如何最好地帮助学生. 这可能只是在咨询中心的一次访问, 在咨询中心进行咨询, 转介到另一个校园办公室, 或者可能是其他类型的干预或更专业的长期治疗的校外转诊.


If you have referred a student or loved one for assistance, you are probably still concerned for that person and wondering how they are doing. 行为和心理健康咨询师比其他必须遵守《十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金》(FERPA)的大学雇员有更高的标准。. Legal and ethical obligations prevent a Counselor from discussing a student's status with you.

Counselors cannot even confirm or deny that a student has sought services! 你可以跟进学生,并询问学生是否按照你的推荐去了咨询中心.

FERPA规定禁止你向大学以外的任何人透露学生的信息. 这包括家长和其他机构. 虽然很诱人, 除非你得到学生的书面许可,否则你不应该与校外的个人或机构讨论学生.

Communications within the university should also be extremely limited to a "need to know" basis. You should not be revealing information about a student to other faculty, 工作人员, 教练, or administrators unless there is a compelling reason to do so, 这就是为什么这么多教职员工向咨询中心和/或健康服务中心寻求咨询的原因. 这两个领域是完全保密的,讨论学生的相关问题是合适的. In any case, it is good practice to respect the student's privacy.

If the student appears hesitant to discuss the issue with you after you have made a referral, 这很好. 你可能只是想说你想让学生知道你关心他们的幸福,希望他们做得更好.

What if your child/friend does not want to go to the Counseling Center? 

有时,这个人可能会说他们在这个时候没有兴趣和别人说话. Sometimes this is because they may feel uncomfortable talking with a Counselor, or may be scared to talk about a problem because it feels overwhelming. 的y may minimize the problem or think the Counseling Center cannot be of assistance.

如果不是紧急情况, try to be open to the fact that the person may need some time to choose to talk to someone. As mentioned, if it is not an emergency or crisis situation, be patient, supportive and friendly. You may also consult with one of the Counselors about how to help this person. 根据咨询中心的保密政策,您的协助请求将予以保密.

鼓励他们从颈部开始做检查. ULifeline is available for free information, screening, and ideas on ways to help friends. 除了, 网上还有许多其他资源可以提供帮助他人的额外信息. 请查看自助资源页面的链接,以了解大学生经常面临的各种问题的教育和评估工具. You can share this information with your friend and search the sites together.


咨询中心的工作人员可以为学生和他们的支持系统提供咨询服务. 如果你想进一步讨论我们的服务, please have your student book a consultation appointment.




在极少数情况下, 如果你觉得朋友或所爱的人有伤害自己或他人的危险,或者你不确定他们的安全,而他们在校园, 可致电公共安全联络 267-341-3333. If the student of concern is off campus, please do one of the following:

  • 拨打911
  • 去最近的急诊室
  • 打电话给你社区的精神健康代表/流动危机,要求福利检查(费城精神健康代表,地址: 215-685-6440)
  • Call or Text the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255)/发送“Home”至741-741. 这项服务是全天候可用的. 


  • 如果你对学生的安全或他人的安全有直接的担忧,是否拨打911或公共安全
  • Do speak to the individual privately in a non-judgmental fashion
  • Do let the student know you are concerned for their welfare
  • 是否使用积极的倾听技巧
  • 是否验证和探索选项
  • 提醒我们可以得到帮助,这是力量的信号吗
  • 是否保持清晰一致的界限
  • Do refer individual to appropriate campus or community resource
  • 是否承认并讨论学生在寻求心理健康专家咨询时的恐惧和担忧
  • 是否要指出,情况并不一定要达到危机的程度,学生才能从专业帮助中受益


  • Don't ignore unusual behavior or minimize their situation
  • Don't ignore warning signs about individual’s safety or the safety of others
  • 不要承诺保密
  • 不要评判或批评
  • 不要把这个问题当成你自己的问题
  • Don't involve yourself beyond the limits of your time, skill, or emotional well-being
  • 不要对服务做出承诺
  • 不要忘记打电话给心理咨询服务,以获得您自己的支持和指导,帮助我们的学生获得有效的治疗
  • 不要把学生的经历病态化. All people experience negative emotions and experience trying periods in their life
  • 不要答应给学生特殊待遇.

What if the student is feeling really upset, depressed, or anxious, but it is not an emergency?


  • 如果合适的话,预约当天的紧急预约

与辅导员进行同日的会面,为那些经历严重心理困扰的学生提供帮助,这些心理困扰影响了他们的生活能力, 因此, 建议由辅导员进行评估. 会议的重点是评估痛苦程度, offering help tolerating negative emotions in the moment, 确定所需的支持和治疗水平, 并协助获得额外的支持. 了解更多关于当天紧急预约的信息.

  • 注册Tao Connect免费在线治疗帮助
  • Journal or write down your thoughts in any creative way you can think of such as poetry, 音乐的歌词, 等.
  • Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or adult role model
  • Practice relaxation techniques or meditate (check out our self-help link!)
  • Listen to soothing music or watch a comforting or funny movie
  • Exercise or do anything active such as take a walk or play a sport
  • 色彩、绘画、工艺、油漆等.
  • Distract yourself with any healthy and soothing activity you can think of




Ask Listen Refer is a statewide online suicide prevention training program

参加此预防自杀训练,以更好地装备自己应对学生心理健康危机. 的 问、听、转介自杀预防训练计划 旨在帮助你认识到自杀的危险因素和警告信号,并作出适当的反应.This 15-20 minute interactive training program can be found at 询问、倾听、参考



TAO包括150多个简报, 有效的, educational sessions covering over 50 common topics and skills related to mental health, 健康, 以及药物使用问题. TAO包括互动环节, mindfulness exercises and practice tools all aimed at helping students achieve their goals. 

我们的 道页面 will explain more about how students can create an account. 



十大网络彩票平台大全 has partnered with ThrivingCampus, to make it easier for you to connect with off-campus mental health care and well-being services. This online directory contains licensed mental health clinicians, 他们中的许多人专门与学生一起工作. You can browse and filter providers based on your needs and preferences.


的re are numerous resources that can provide assistance to students. 除了咨询中心, 其中包括一名医生, 卫生服务, 学术提升中心, 学术顾问, 校园部, 职业中心, 残疾人服务, 居住生活, 和父母. 当你提到学生或你爱的人, it is important that you encourage them to contact these resources on their own. Although you may desire to call or arrange an appointment for the student, except in a serious emergency or life-threatening situation, it is important for the student to arrange these appointments for themselves.
