


阿尔法屋托儿所, 情, and 幼儿园 is an academic program that follows a traditional school calendar, 营业时间为九月至六月. The α的房子 building is located next to the 十大网络彩票平台大全 图书馆. This modular, one-story building was erected for the children’s programs in 1984.

阿尔法屋托儿所, 情, and 幼儿园 is an academic program that follows a traditional school calendar, 营业时间为九月至六月. 父母 are invited to participate in many family social activities throughout the year, 由阿尔法之家赞助 & 学校协会.


托儿所 program provides children with a strong foundation for learning in a safe and nurturing environment. Gross and fine motor skills are also being developed and strengthened through the use of manipulatives, 橡皮泥, 还有一个体育课程. The children will learn socialization skills while working on academics. 

我们的课程融合了色彩, 形状, 数字, and letters through the use of manipulatives, 中心, STEM活动以及游戏. 该课程还提供西班牙语, 宗教, 以及日常生活中的科技, which reinforces and reviews the concepts taught inside the classroom. 手指游戏和音乐 & 运动在这个年龄段起着重要作用.

  • 托儿所 programs are available for three-year-olds.
  • We have a three-day program, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday—a morning session from 8 a.m. 到11点.m. 下午11点45分开始.m. 到下午2:45.m.
  • We also have a five-day, full-day program from 8 a.m. 到下午2:45.m.
  • These programs are designed for children who are three by September 1.


Our 情 program prepares our students by giving them the tools they will need to succeed in 幼儿园. Students will explore the concepts using concrete experiences such as manipulatives, 实验, 中心, 艺术表现, 干细胞活动, 和玩耍. 

该课程还提供西班牙语, 宗教, 以及日常生活中的科技, which reinforces and reviews the concepts taught inside the classroom. The 情 program also incorporates a reading and 数学 program, which supports the concepts presented in the classroom to further ensure academic success.

  • The 情 programs are available for four-year-olds.
  • We have a five-day program, Monday through Friday—a morning session from 8 a.m. 到11点.m. 下午11点45分开始.m. 到下午2:45.m.
  • We also have a five-day, full-day program from 8 a.m. 到下午2:45.m.
  • These programs are designed for children who are four by September 1.


The α的房子 School 幼儿园 program is an academically challenging, full-day program that supports the child’s physical, 情感, 智力增长. We have small class sizes with a developmentally appropriate learning environment that affords the students countless opportunities for intellectual development, 积极发挥, 以及社会互动.

我们的课程包括阅读, 写作, 数学, 科学, 技术, 社会研究, 宗教, 和西班牙语.

Students develop reading and communication skills, 数学 and 科学 skills with a blended curriculum that incorporates 干细胞活动, 创造性的互动, and project-driven learning which empowers children to become confident, 成功的, 终身学习者.

We lay the foundation for our children to exceed all expectations in the first grade and beyond.

  • The 幼儿园 classes are held five days per week.
  • 这些课程从早上7:45开始.m. – 2:30 p.m.
  • 幼儿园 students are grouped in classes of 15-20 children.
  • This program is designed for children who are five by September 1.


The goal of the “I Am Special” early childhood 宗教 program is to provide religious experiences that help children form Christian attitudes about themselves and others, along with enjoyable opportunities and activities to respond with Christian actions.

Our program recognizes that children learn best by doing. 因此, the following lesson development techniques are used: sensory activities, 歌曲, 改编成戏剧, dvd, 故事和诗歌, 祈祷, 手指游戏, 艺术活动, 还有礼仪庆典. “I Am Special” aims to provide a foundation upon which future religious education can be built.


At α的房子, we explore various uses for 技术. We use our lab to practice skills presented in the classroom through online programs, and research information on a multitude of topics from current events to authors, 艺术家, 和音乐家. The children practice keyboarding, and in 幼儿园, students work on the 写作 process.


托儿所, 情, and 幼儿园 children will engage in physical activities that promote physical fitness and health. They will participate in movement exploration with and without manipulatives; develop gross motor movements (walking, 运行, jumping); participate in rhythmic activities; engage in balance activities; develop throwing, 捕捉, and kicking skills; participate in unstructured and structured activities; begin to use rules and safe practices in physical activities; and begin to develop good sportsmanship.


Before care is a fun, well-supervised start to your child’s day.  The children color, listen to music, and read as they get ready to start their school day.

我们将提供幼儿保育 & 仅限学前班学生. There is a strict time slot for early morning drop-off. 幼儿园 children can be dropped off in front of Aquina/α的房子 and the Nursery情 children at α的房子:

  • 幼儿园
    • 7:30 a.m. 到早上7:45.m.
  • 托儿所/情 
    • 7:30 a.m. 到8岁.m. 


α的房子 儿童俱乐部 after-school program offers care and supervision in a fun, 互动, and enriching environment for our α的房子 children and Nazareth Academy Grade School.  This includes pick-up of your child from Nazareth Academy Grade School and homework help for grades 1-8.

  • 营业时间是下午两点.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • For more information, contact Christine Humphries or Maribeth Kane at kidsclub@3600151.com